blog focused to students of 6th grade

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You have just dicovered a new space . . . of English? Immerse yourself in this project and start to research each corner!

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

The world book day

The 23rd of April students of 6º grade celebrated the World book day.

In that session we were talking about the importance of reading, checking the knowledge learnt. After that, we worked different British and American writers, choosing the author: Roal Dahl, knowing many aspects of him, among them his work "Charlie and the chocolate's factory".

Now it's tour time! leave here information about this author (biography, works...) you know!

The teacher

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

1 gol por la educación

Last week students of 6º grade worked with the campaign of "1 goal for education". Posters, videos, power points and other activities were some of the materials used.

This picture confirm we support that:

all the children must be educated.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

1 GoL Por La EduCacióN

1 GOL es una campaña que, a través de la popularidad del fútbol, persigue que la educación de todas las personas sea un logro perdurable de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2010. Estamos convencidos de que, si unimos nuestras voces en todo el mundo, podremos conseguir que la educación sea una realidad para los millones de niñas y niños que siguen sin escolarizar.